Hundreds Attended Gala to Celebrate the Year of Rooster

(Austin, TX) - Chinese Society of Austin (CSA) held its annual Lunar New Year gala on Feb. 4th, 2017 at Asian American Resources Center (AARC).  Hundreds of guests, dignitaries and community leaders joined the celebration.  Tickets were sold out days before the event despite CSA’s repeated efforts to add extra seating.

Austin Mayor Steve Adler and his wife, Diane Land, joined the party.  They graciously shared many photo-takings with guests throughout the evening. Council members Allison Alter, Jimmy Fannigan and Ora Houston, were also present and wished everyone Happy New Year.

Texas House Representative Tony Dale, Cedar Park councilman Jon Lux and Williamson County Judge Dain Johnson enjoyed the Chinese food and festivities.  Deputy Director Natalie Lee from Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in Houston was also among those dignitaries that joined the dinner party.

Mayor Adler presented an appreciation plaque to CSA Vice President, Peter Chao, along with Mrs. Chao, Angela Qian, in recognition of their community service to Chinese Americans.  Mayor Adler also read a proclamation dedicated to the founder and principle of Texas Health and Science University, Lisa Lin, for her outstanding achievement.

CSA is proud to have the renowned ophthalmologists, Dr. Mitchel Wong and Dr. Shannon Wong from Eye Institute, deliver a Keynote speech on "Giving Back".  Dr. Shannon Wong talked about his family’s decision to contribute more than $20 million to Dell Medical Center of The University of Texas at Austin.  He said he has worked on average 80 hours a week over the last two decades and is determined to create a leading-edge center to train future ophthalmologists and provide patients with the best medical and surgical eye care possible.  Dr. Shannon Wong vowed that he will continue to work hard and give back to the community.

Dr. Mitchel Wong talked about growing up as one of the few Chinese back in the 50s in East Austin.  He told a story about how he almost got killed in an armed robbery at his parents’ grocery store.  Dr. Mitchel Wong reminded everyone that opportunities in Austin abound as long as one is willing to look for and seize them.  He said proudly that the biggest different between Asians and other minorities is that Asians do not look for hands out.  Asians seek opportunities and work hard to better their lives.

Many guests were in tears by the time the doctors finished their speech.  The entire audience applauded the two doctors with a standing ovation and, rallied by CSA President Meiching Chou, chanted and flashed the "Hook’em Horns!" sign.

Following the keynote speech, CSA guests enjoyed the high-energy Hip Hop, Ballet and Modern Dance ensemble led by professional dancer and choreographer, Leo Paschal from Platinum Status.

Austin Mandolin Orchestra, a string music orchestra led by composer and founder, Joel R Hobbs, presented memorable performances of traditional, classical and modern repertoire.

Soprano Joanne Hui, a music major from Northeast Normal University in China and currently a student at UT Butler School of Music, touched many hearts among the audience with her beautiful loved songs.

The Austin Moonflower Performing Arts Group, a 40-member local performers, ended the evening on a high note with their music and dance ensembles ranging from Chinese dance to western Jazz.  Many guests stayed late and continued to dance and network.

With over 40 years of history serving the Chinese American community in Austin, CSA encourages social engagement and cultural exchanges within the Chinese community as well as with the broader mainstream society.  Thanks to the hardwork of CSA directors and the generous support of many sponsors, the Year of Rooster Gala was a huge success.  More than 100 guests signed up to become CSA members at the Gala.


(奧斯汀, 德州) - 中華聯誼會(Chinese Society of Austin) 於二月四曰舉辦新年晚會。出席佳賓高達三百人。雖然數次追加桌席,但應達到場地人次限制,譲中華聯誼會不得不早在晚會數日前停止出售入場卷。
當天晚宴佳賓如雲。奧斯汀的市長Steve Adler伉儷,德州眾議員Tony Dale, 奧斯汀三位市議員Allison Alter, Jimmy Fannigan 和Ora Houston, Cedar Park 市議員Jon Lux, Williamson County Judge Dain Johnson 和休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處副主任李美姿圴到場祝賀大家新年快樂
當晚市長Adler伉儷與賓客拜年共進晚餐。市長並且頒發獎狀給中華聯誼會副會長趙俊達(Peter Chao) 和夫人錢向紅(Angela Qian),代替中華聯誼會感謝他們二位這一年來對華裔同胞所做的社區服務。市長也表揚了美國德州健康與科學大學(Texas Health and Science University)林曹平惠校長的卓越成就。
中華聯誼會特别邀请了著名的華裔眼科醫師父子檔Dr. Mitchel Wong 和Dr. Shannon Wong 與現場觀眾分享他們決定捐贈二千萬美元給德州大學奧斯汀分校醫學院的心路歷程。Dr. Shannon Wong 提到他數十年來每個星期平均工作80個小時,決定將累積的一大部分財富捐出來支持眼科學術研究。他並且立志有生之年會繼續捐款回饋社會。
父親Dr. Mitchel Wong則 侃侃道來他童年在東奧斯汀幇忙父母在雜貨店工作時,被盗匪劫持差點喪命的往事。他驕傲的説華裔民族與別的少數族裔最大的不同就是,中國人從來不期待別人給我們施捨。中國人要求的是機會,並且能夠把握機會創造自己的人生。
演講結束後不少的觀眾們眼眶含淚。全場三百名觀眾一致起立為二位醫生的成就與貢獻鼓掌致敬,並且在中華聯誼會會長周美青的帶動下一起做出德州大學奧斯汀分校的勝利手勢齊聲高呼 Hook'em Horns!!
當晚的表演節目包括了專業舞者Leo Paschal和他的學生們舞出動感的Hip Hop, Jazz, Salsa和Ballet。畢業於中國東北師大音樂系並且在 UT Butler School of Music 深造的女高音 恵娟唱出了動人的愛情故事。
由作曲家和多樣樂器演奏家 Joel R Hobbs 創始及指揮的奧斯汀曼陀鈴樂團(Austin Mandolins Orchestra)演奏了今人難忘的曼陀鈴音樂,結合了傳統、古典、和現代的西洋及中國樂曲。