History of CSA


奧斯汀中華联誼会正式成立於1996年五月。它的創始成員張其棟和陳虎曜發起成立奧斯汀中華联誼会 (Chinese Society of Austin), 並推選姚東權為首任會長, 陳笑如為副會長。各種登記宣告俱全, 延續至今。

奧斯汀中華联誼会的歷史可以追踪在40年前。在1996年之前,奧斯汀中華联誼会創始成員早已經以不同的組織名義服務於奧斯汀的中國社區。以下CSA前身組織時間表 -
1975 – 1979 奧斯汀華人联誼社(Chinese Professional Association)

1975 年 5 月, 張其棟, 劉亦寧, 葉長綠三人, 發起成立華人联誼社, 並在各級政府登記。除了UT 的社團, 這也是奥斯汀第一個亞裔組織。張其棟是首任服務滿任期的會長。

1979 – 1992 奧斯汀華人協会 (Austin Chinese Association)

1979 年黄均適担任社長, 他改名華人協会。原意很好, 但完全沒有在政府換名. 到了1991 年, 以前的所有登記已經失效。實際上 ”Chinese Association” 各地有重複, 根夲無法登記。所以我們决定於1996年用CSA 重新開始。

1992 - 1996 (中斷。奧斯汀經濟衰退房價格下降50%。許多華人離開。CSA此時也失去了所有登記。)

1996 – now 奧斯汀中華联誼会 (Chinese Society of Austin) 正式成立


縱觀其歷史,CSA一直致力於在奧斯汀服務於華人的使命,團結來自中國內地,台灣,香港的中國人,並促進他們與美國主流社會在經濟和文化的互動。其主要貢獻包括 -

1.每年的假期慶祝節日,包括中國新年和中秋節這些慶祝活動是向所有人開放的,並設有道地的民族食品,節目演出,並提供嘉賓與市議會議員,來自各種商會組織,地方行業協會和台北經濟文化中心在休斯敦文化代表的交流機會。每年必有大型聚會, 最盛的一次有1200 嘉賓。


在奧斯汀市政府的補助和資助下,CSA經常帶頭許多社區服務活動,幫助弱勢社群的移民善用社會資源。CSA協助成立亞裔工作小組, 協肋警局, 成功破獲亞裔犯罪集團 (1991年) 。市議會議員更是每一個CSA活動的常客。

4. 新聞資源中心



The "Chinese Society of Austin" ( CSA ) was formally established in May 1996, by its founding members George Chang and Paul Chen.  The team brought together key resources and talents to constitute the CSA. Its first President was Steve Yao, with Millie Chu as its first Vice President

Contributions forged by the CSA can be traced back over 40 years. Prior to its formal establishment in 1996, there had been several predecessor entities which served the Austin-Texas Chinese American community under different organization names.


1975 – 1979 Chinese Professional Association ( CPA )
The "Chinese Professional Association" ( CPA ) was formally registered in Austin in May 1975. The CPA, along with the "Asian Student Association" at the University of Texas at Austin, were the only two formally constituted Asian American associations in the 1970’s. George Chang was its first full-term President.

1979 – 1992 Austin Chinese Association
The prior CPA was renamed “Austin Chinese Association” in 1979, endowed with the same mission statement of serving Chinese Americans in the greater Austin area. All be it this organizational title was never formally registered.

1992 – 1996 ( Gap years )
Given major challenges besetting regional Austin economy, the prior Austin Chinese Association was in a holding pattern activities-wise until overall economy stabilized and city's robust vitality returned.

1996 – Present Chinese Society of Austin ( CSA )
Endowed with the same dedicated multi-generational mission statement from its professional lineage, the "Chinese Society of Austin" promotes and expands the heritage of cultural & economic cooperation vested in the Austin metropolitan region.


Throughout its history, the CSA has been dedicated to serving Chinese Americans in Austin with a mission to unite Chinese Americans from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong and promote their interaction with the mainstream American community socially, economically and culturally. Its key contributions include :

1. Annual holiday celebration festivals including Chinese New Year and Mid Autumn Festival
These events are open to all and feature authentic ethnic food, festive performances and a great networking opportunity with guests such as City Council Members, members from various Chamber Commerce organizations, local trade associations and cultural attaches from Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in Houston. At one time, 1,200 guests attended CSA’s Chinese New Year celebration !

2. One of the founding members of the Network of Asian American Organizations (NAAO)
Established in 1996, the Network of Asian American Organizations (NAAO) is the leading service and information network that unites and promotes the Pan Asian American community through educational, cultural, social events, and business.

3. Close partnership with the City of Austin
The CSA has been active in various social works with grants and funding from the City of Austin. The CSA has spearheaded many community service activities and helped under-privileged immigrants tap into social resources. The CSA has also been instrumental in helping law enforcement in Austin crack down on crimes by ethnic groups. Many City Council members are regulars at all major CSA events.

4. A Resource center with news updates and information benefiting Chinese Americans
Via its website, email announcements and social media, the CSA provides updated information and links to resources such as government agencies, local job postings and upcoming events. The CSA is also the publisher of CSA Directory and key contributor to Texas Capital News, a local newsletter with 25 years of history.

In a town hall meeting addressed to the Asian American community in September 2016, Austin mayor Steve Adler proclaimed that Asians are the fastest growing ethnic group in Austin, along with being the fastest growing metropolitan city in the United States. With more than 40 years of history, the CSA is well positioned to grow with and serve the ever thriving Chinese American community for the greater Austin metropolitan region.