Post Year of the Pig event Appreciation note.
Dear Members , Sponsors and Friends, Thank you for coming to attend the Year of the Pig Celebration with us. We have such a wonderful great time with you. Below is our appreciation message to you all. 华联谊会CSA新年联欢晚会报道 中华联谊会CSA理事会供稿 中华联谊会CSA-Chinese Society of Austin 2019 新春联欢晚会于二月二曰晚上在奧斯汀中国城New Fortune 洒楼隆重举行。 联欢晚会在传统的舞龙舞狮热闹的锣鼓声中揭开序幕,舞龙舞狮的表演者大都是经过专业训练的Summit Lion and Dragon Dance Team的小学生和中学生,二十多个小将们生龙活虎,锣鼓声喧龙狮飞舞,一下子整个会场欢动起来!来宾二百八十多人,人潮涌动,坐无虚席,一片欢声笑语!场面很热闹很喜庆,歌舞器乐武术表演非常精彩! 中华联谊会CSA第12届新任会长Julia 段作了热情洋溢的新年致词,CSA全体理事上台演唱”恭喜恭喜”问候来宾。CSA当天收到了众议员 Lloyd Doggett 先生的新年贺信,赞扬CSA多年为社区服务的精神,祝贺华人庆祝中国农历新年金猪年。三位市议员CM Tovo, CM Pool 和CM Alter 参加联欢并上台致词,多位奥斯汀亚裔团体的代表以及驻休斯敦台北经文处代表和休斯敦华侨文教中心代表也到会和奥斯汀华人欢聚一团共同庆贺新年。整个联欢晚会充满节日的欢乐和喜悦,浓浓的年味洋溢在整个会场。 感谢参加活动的每一位来宾,感谢来宾们对中华联谊会CSA活动的一贯支持;感谢联欢晚会的所有义工;感谢香木舞蹈团和花好月圆艺术团的新彊舞和欢乐鼓舞的精彩表演,欢快的旋律优美的舞蹈民族的风情,让来宾们感到无比的愉悦;感谢中国著名的民乐演奏家郑石萍先生和青年表演艺术家Tenghis 先生的器乐表演;感谢高中学生Cammy Schweppe 的演唱和Nick Alter 师傅的武术表演。器乐歌唱武术表演一个接一个,丰富多彩,目不暇接,还有红包和抽奖一波接一波,来宾们情绪高昂兴奋不已。 中华联谊会CSA2019 新年联欢晚会为奥斯汀华人的新春佳节献上了一份浓浓的新年祝福,带来了欢快和喜悦! 特别感谢晚会的赞助团体和个人,感谢他们慷慨的赞助。他们有华奥地产 Real International ,德州首府新闻 Texas Capital News,亚美文化中心 Asian American Cultural Center,CAS Consulting, Network of Asian America Organization (NAAO),Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce(GAACC),ACA , TBG Wealth Management, […]
Join our Hiking Day on April 27, 2019
The Chinese Society of Austin graciously invites you to join our Spring hiking activity on April 27, 2019 Saturday We will gather at 900 West Riverside Drive between 8 am and 8:30 am , you can park your car there . Wear comfortable clothes and shoes , bring your own bottle water and snacks as needed . We are promoting physical and mental health as well as fitness in beginning of Spring season .The entire trail is about 3 miles and we would like to end about 10:30 am . If you are interested ,.Please contact Sarah Pan at […]
2019 Asia Fest at Asian American Cultural Center
Chinese Society of Austin participates in the 2019 Asia Fest at Asian American Cultural Center. We promote the Chinese Art , Calligraphy and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Special features include creating Chinese characters name for patronages, making paper lanterns and Chinese knots plus a free check up on vital health of individuals via a pulse reading and computer analysis.
Thank you & Appreciation note of a successful 2019 Mid Autumn event
Oasis at Lake Travis 6550 Comanvhe Trail, Austin, TexasDear All, 中华联谊会Chinese Society of Austin - CSA于九月十四日在Austin美丽的湖景歺厅the Oasis 举行了2019 中秋歌舞晚会。歌舞晚会由中华联谊会会长Julia 段和副会长Alex Pong共同主持。理事们为筹备晚会做了精心的准备,晚会场地装扮得充满节日气氛。歌舞晚会精彩纷呈,洋溢着节日的快乐。来宾们享受了丰盛的Fajitas 自助晚宴,老朋友新朋友相聚在一起分享节日的美好。当金色的晚餐晖映天空,落日映红湖面,大家纷纷摄影留念,好不热闹。Austin的湖光山水红霞落日美丽的景色尽收眼底。晚宴后来宾们观看了精彩的歌舞表演。参加歌舞表演的有春雨舞蹈学校的Lili 老师,奥斯汀香木舞团,奥斯汀曲艺团,Melody Chang 和Cammy Schweppe . Lili舞蹈老师的Belly Dance 惊艳了在场所有的人,十分迷人,音乐舞蹈服装都非常完美。香木舞团的表演充满激情和活力,挥动着青春的节拍。奥斯汀曲艺团的表演甜美可爱,流淌着优美的旋律和欢快的西域风情。两位年轻歌手的演唱会也给来宾们留下美好的回忆。歌舞表演之后是Dance Party, 大家在一起欢快地跳舞,一曲接一曲,尽情地挥洒着中秋之夜的快乐。华裔社区共庆中秋团圆传统佳节,弘扬中华文化,留下美好难忘的回忆。奥斯汀这座充满生机和活力的城市,华裔文化的特点将日渐增添Austin多元文化的绚丽色彩。在此特别感谢中秋歌舞晚会的赞助商家:Real International, Texas Capital News, Asia Contractor Association, Unintech Consulting Engineers and All Side Realty. You can view pictures of 2019 Mid- Autumn Festival at the below link: 2019 Mid Autumn Celebration at Oasis picture link and you can also view more pictures at our web page gallery, click on the topic below :
2020 Year of the Rat Celebration Banquet
New Fortune Seafood Restaurant 10901 North Lamar Blvd, #501, Austin, TXDear Members and Friends, Thank you so much for your support and ticket purchases, as of this moment, we have sold out our tickets and there will be NO ticket sales at the door. We wish you a very happy and prosperous New year of the Rat . See you on February 8 at our banquet. Thank you, Chinese Society of Austin 2020 New Year Event Performance Brochure PDF Download Page - - - - - Thank you CSA patrons, online ticket sales have been completed.
Chinese New Year of the Rabbit Celebration ( Tickets are now SOLD OUT )
Thank you for your support and enthusiastic to purchase our tickets to the event. We have now SOLD out all of the tickets. We look forward to see you this Saturday ( 1/28/23 ) at the Balcones Country Club to celebrate the New Year of the Rabbit together. Your support, sponsorship have meant so much to the Chinese Society of Austin , we cannot run or do this event without you See you in a few days. Thanks All, Chinese Society of Austin ***************************************************************************** CSA invites you to join our Year of the Rabbit Celebration banquet on […]
Sound of Taiwan – Taiwan Culture Goodwill Mission Event on September 27, 2023
Purchase tickets at the below Event brite link. 所有票都是電子票 報上的barcode 上掃描哦! ****** 買票還有節目的細節可以在海報上的barcode 上掃描哦! 奧斯汀全僑委員會將於2023年9月27日, 晚上7點-9點舉辦臺灣文化訪問團活動,慶祝臺灣國慶。此次活動將由臺灣著名文化代表團「當代樂坊(FMMC)帶來主題為“讓世界聽見臺灣”的表演。演出將在德克薩斯州奧斯汀的聖安德魯聖公會學校戴爾美術中心(5901 Southwest Parkway)舉行。 「當代樂坊」於1994年在臺灣宜蘭縣成立,在臺灣國家音樂廳等多個著名場館以及美國、歐洲、日本、加拿大、法國、瑞士、德國、非洲和拉脫維亞。中心曾參加亞太合唱藝術節、捷克國際藝術節、宜蘭國際藝術節等國際活動。 「當代樂坊」因其表演而獲得認可和獎項,包括在澳大利亞阿德萊德藝術節上獲獎。該中心致力於在全球範圍內推廣臺灣文化和藝術。 買票還有節目的細節可以在海報上的barcode 上掃描哦! * 所有票都是電子票
2024 Chinese New Year of the Dragon Celebration Banquet – Click on Poster, scroll down to Event Brite ticket purchase
Happy Dragon Lunar New Year of 2024. The Chinese Society of Austin will Jointly hold the Spring Festival Gala for the Year of the Dragon with the Austin Hakka Association on February 16, 2024 ( Friday night ) from 6 pm to 10 pm at the Balcones Country Club , Austin, Texas - 8600 Balcones Club Drive, Austin, TX. We are inviting you to join us for the celebration gathering, with Dragon and Lion Dances, Youth Orchestra, Children and adult dance, Shadow puppet show, Peking Opera, Sichuan Opera Face Changing, Guzheng, Chorus singing, and Pop band performance , as well […]